HUK - Hope, UK
HUK stands for Hope, UK
Here you will find, what does HUK stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hope, UK? Hope, UK can be abbreviated as HUK What does HUK stand for? HUK stands for Hope, UK. What does Hope, UK mean?Hope, UK is an expansion of HUK
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Alternative definitions of HUK
View 3 other definitions of HUK on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HJT Hopkins James Trust
- HAWC Hopscotch Asian Women's Centre
- HHC Hopwood Hall College
- HCAT Horder Centre for Arthritis, The
- HWSTL Hordle Walhampton School Trust Ltd
- HM&G Horniman Museum & Gardens
- HPMPPT Horniman Public Museum and Public Park Trust
- HDC Hornsby Dyslexia Charity
- HCS Horsham Counselling Service
- HRI Horticulture Research International
- H Hosanna
- HHVL Hospice at Home Volunteers Luton
- HW Hospice in the Weald
- HSFBLT Hospice of St Francis Berkhamsted Limited, The
- HSMF Hospice of St Mary of Furness
- HGSL Hospice of the Good Shepherd Ltd
- HV Hospice of the Valleys
- HIS Hospital Infection Society
- HMTT Hospital Management Trust, The
- HBMT Hospital of the Blessed Mary, The